Leave it to the experts - Let us remove your cavity wall

While cavity wall insulation can improve the warmth and comfort of homes, there is also a risk of moisture infiltration which could lead to structural damage.

At Emerald Green Energy, we understand the importance of having a safe and warm home. If you’re concerned about the potential risks of cavity wall insulation, we can help you secure funding for cavity wall excavation. Our team of expert insulation specialists will assess your home’s condition for free and recommend the best solution for you. We are committed to helping vulnerable and low-income households obtain the necessary upgrades to improve their living conditions.

If you suspect issues with your cavity wall and require extraction, don’t hesitate to contact us. The good news is that the cavity wall extraction process is simple, and once we confirm your eligibility, we can quickly remove the hollow wall’s negative impact. Our team of experienced professionals is available to assist you in maintaining a warm home throughout the year.


Application Form

Take 60 seconds of your time to fill out the form​

Eligibility Checker

We’ll let you know whether you’re eligible for a grant

Installation Booking

Our engineers will be in touch to book a survey and installation

Why should I remove my cavity wall insulation?

Our UK clients have shared several reasons for choosing to have their cavity wall removed, including:

Issues with the original installation.

Structural issues that have worsened due to the insulation.

Blockages caused by building works.

Old, deteriorating insulation that is no longer effective.

Insufficient prep of the cavity - was the cavity cleared appropriately?

Being proactive is key when it comes to addressing potential issues with your cavity wall insulation, which often take time to manifest. At UK Energy Management (NE) Ltd, we offer a range of money-saving and energy-efficient alternatives to ensure the optimal performance of your property. Contact our team today to discuss your needs, and rest assured that we are following the latest Covid safety guidelines to keep you and our professionals safe.

Professional Accreditations