Application Form

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Eligibility Checker

We’ll let you know whether you’re eligible for a grant

Installation Booking

Our engineers will be in touch to book a survey and installation

Solid Wall Insulation

If your home in the UK was constructed without cavity walls, insulating the building can be challenging. However, if this is the case, you may be eligible for support to upgrade your property with internal wall insulation.

It is important to acknowledge that homeowners of solid wall properties have limited options to reduce heat loss and improve living conditions. Luckily, Emerald Green Energy in the UK can help. Contact us today to see if you qualify for a grant, as we are certified installers of solid wall insulation.

Fully Funded Cavity Wall Insulation

At Emerald Green Energy, we take pride in being specialists in cavity wall insulation. Our certified team insulates homes across the country to reduce energy costs and enhance thermal efficiency for our clients. We offer fully-supported cavity wall insulation for those who need it the most.

Room-in-Roof Insulation

If you've recently converted your attic or roof space, you may have noticed that maintaining a comfortable temperature in room-in-roof spaces can be a challenge throughout the year. Fortunately, Emerald Green Energy has a team of licensed and qualified roof insulation installers who can help you find a solution. Contact us today to see if you qualify, and we'll ensure that your roof area remains comfortable year-round.

Professional Accreditations